#aot139spoilers đź‘ŹDumbđź‘Źasđź‘Źrocksđź‘Ź
#aot139spoilers In retrospect, I should've realized that Yams didn't know where he was going with this by the time he started bringing out the spinal fluid wine
Hahahah no really - I understood a couple of weeks ago that the ending would be stupid regardless of what happened. Mainly, the problem is that the worldbuilding is bad and the final conflict doesn't make sense. Either Eren is a one-dimensional genocidal villain
in a story where a mustasche-twirling bad guy doesn't fit, or he kills 80% of the world /for a good reason/. Yams chose the latter, but the first one wouldn't be great either - why would /anyone/ want to destroy the world? There are very few problems to which The Apocalypse
is the solution! The fact that the main conflict stands between "sterilize entire race of people" or "kill Everyone" is the source of the story's problems IMO - there's just no way to resolve something like that in a story. Isym wrote himself into the corner to end all corners
It feels a lot like he wanted the Rumbling to happen so he could draw some cool apocalyptic imagery, and he had to come up with the most contrived reasons ever for why it happened. It all feels very made up on the fly
That said, at least he wrapped this inevitably unsatisfying conclusion in Eren and Armin holding hands, looking at the northern lights and hugging so it could really be a lot worse
I just wrote this thread in one go without mulling it over so it's probably quite incoherent, but my main point is just that the ending would be poorly written no matter what he went with LOL. He should've gone back to the drawing board around chapter... 85
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