A friend in Scarborough is eligible for vaccination right now because she is over 50 and lives in a high priority area. So she successfully made an appointment at a clinic nearby, and went this morning. She was turned away because at *that* clinic it’s still only 60+. 1/3
She was told that no, she had to register all over again at a hospital that is a long way from where she lives. The clinic was turning away more people than it was vaccinating, she says. But, if she wanted to take the afternoon off she could come back at 4 to seek leftovers. 2/3
There is no consistency. Everyone is freelancing. Gatekeeping is more important, apparently, than vaccinating the population. Which, I suppose, is what you get when your provincial leaders are weaklings and fools. 3/3
Okay, one more: you know why people aren’t getting vaccinated as fast as we’d like? Because the province has created a baroque rat maze for them to navigate and they don’t have time to figure out how to get through it. 4/
OH OH OH and when she got home, she got an automated email from the clinic telling her that her second appointment has been set up for July. Even though she didn’t get the first shot. Because they turned her away. 5/
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