The Secretary of State have told @Wykeland to carry out an EIA. The developer and @East_Riding both agreed back in the summer of 2020 that they didnt deem the application suitable for an EIA, despite it obviously being above 20 HA and within metres of an SSSI, Ramsar and Spa.
Research by residents @ the Parish Council unearthed lots of questions. Firsty, @East_Riding had not uploaded the Screening opinion on the planning portal for public reference. Why was this then, something to hide East Riding of Yorkshire Council?
One this was made public it was the Parish Council that called it into the Secretary of State. On the 6th April 2021 the PC received confirmation that the land needed an EIA. Could this be why @Wykeland are all over the press trying to hoodwink & divert from what's happening?
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