Yesterday my girlfriend's mother and sister arrived for a visit and we took a trajinera (like a raft) through the canals of Xochimilco and stopped at some very interesting islands. They have other trajineras that sell beer and snacks and will pull up to yours and serve you. 10/10
This bird followed us around for a long time
It's really like paradise there. If you ever visit Mexico City, highly recommend taking an Uber here and renting a trajinera. We brought Bluetooth speakers
We went to a sanctuary for axolotls. Search Google Images for them. Unfortunately the sanctuary was a bit underwhelming. They look totally extraterrestrial when they are younger. Fascinating creatures & history
Now, for my favorite part of the trip: Mexico City's famous dead doll island. I also suggest reading about it because it's a spooky story. I'm just gonna share this video and some pictures below, which are even spookier
Well, Twitter is marking this a sensitive content, but skip to two minutes in for a doggy taking a nap inside a shrine of creepy dead dolls
I have like a hundred pictures of these things and it's hard to pick favorites. I don't want to overload all of you though so here are just four
Ok here are four more. I'm done now, I promise

It was a great time and a much-needed break from reality since I have lost two grandparents and my aunt in the past two months.

I'll be back to writing again soon. Thanks for your patience
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