Geoff Johns' crisis team was misleading multiple times in their responses to @ray8fisher, but @kimmasters and @THR simply don't know enough about the subject and didn't bother to ask anyone who did. Instead they uncritically reprinted some really bold distortions. #SnyderCut
He takes credit for co-writing a comic about lesbian superhero Batwoman. Truth is that the comic was an anthology with 5 writers. The actual writer of Batwoman's segments was Greg Rucka. Every comic fans knows this but he told the lie anyway because he knew they wouldn't check.
Further, Batwoman was at one point the hottest character in comics but partially under Johns' leadership DC delayed her solo-series and eventually drove away the acclaimed creative team because they wouldn't allow the character to marry her girlfriend.
The initial delay to her Detective Comics run began before Johns took over as creative lead of DC, but the delay of Batwoman and the departure of Rucka and Williams happened other him. Shocking for him to mention this as an example of his LGBTQ allyship.
Also, Johns suggests that he was personally responsible for bringing Cyborg into the Justice League property. The implication is that a racist wouldn't go out of their way to add a black character to a big comic. This claim seems entirely disconnected from reality.
It was almost certainly not his personal call to add Cyborg to the Justice League. Anyone who follows comics even casually knows that these sorts of decisions, especially on big comics with big launches, aren't left up to the individual creative teams.
While Johns' debut JL did add Cyborg to the team, the comic essentially removed another black character, Green Lantern John Stewart and replaced him with white Hal Jordan. Johns was a huge proponent of Hal returning as primary GL even though Stewart was in the beloved JL cartoon.
Johns has personally faced criticism from comic fans and critics about his treatment of Stewart's character. The Batwoman saga was also a black eye to DC. For Johns to trot these out as evidence of his love of diversity is as perverse as THR letting him get away with it.
There's a lot more to say about the race issues with GL/JL that apply here, but here's a funny note from an interview with black creators defending the shift from John Stewart to Hal Jordan by mentioning fan perception.
It's like the inverse of the reasoning given by WB JL producer Berg in the THR article for why Cyborg had to say "Booyah" like the cartoon.
John Stewart was in the cartoon too! During the Snyder Cut reshoots Snyder actually shot a scene with John Stewart played by, according to rumor, Trevante Rhodes. WB refused to let it in the film.
The absolute whopper is that the reason they overruled the shows creators on the casting of a black man as the lead or Krypton because fans would expect Superman's grandfather to look like Henry Cavill. This is just a lie on its face, WB unlike Marvel keeps TV and film separate.
WB once fired Henry Cavill! It's possibly twice now with the recent leak of the TnC Superman (note, this leak was put out specifically to detract from the negative stories around Johns and Hamad). They seem to despise him more than any major studio has hated their tentpole actor.
For context, WB TV really is buckwild. Here's the scene where Gorilla Grodd tries to kill a young Barack Obama. I don't think anyone in power at WB TV is checking cares about continuity with Man of Steel, a movie that made 700 million but somehow did not warrant a sequel.
Take this, the noticeably multi-racial Tyler Hoechlin was cast as the TV version of Superman in 2016, the same year they were casting Krypton. Not only that, he was in fact producer's Greg Berlanti's first choice for the role and did not have to audition.
With Krypton Johns blocked a black actor from playing the lead protagonist, but did allow for a black man to play the lead antagonist even though he's an ancestor of Michael Shannon's Zod.
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