So, I just had an interesting chat with a police officer regarding my language on video submissions to #OpSnap. Apparently the #CPS would be unwilling to prosecute drivers who drive without due care and attention around cyclists if said cyclist uses naughty words in response 1/4
to being inches away from being hit by a big metal box on wheels being driven by an arsehole. What a great example of #victimblaming. I wouldn't swear at the drivers if they didn't drive like an entitled fuckwit! I would have absolutely no issue standing before a magistrate 2/4
explaining why I swear as a result of my life being put at risk by people who refuse to drive safely. I love road cycling. It keeps me fit and gives me the opportunity to enjoy the countryside but being advised that using offensive words is frowned upon more than endangering 3/4
the lives of vulnerable road users is insulting. All captured close passes should be prosecuted before that driver goes on to cause serious injury or even death. Being safe > being offended?! @Makecyclingsafe @MikeyCycling @closepassescdf @righttobikeit @PassPixi @YCCyclists 4/4
. @gwentpolice @swpolice @cpsuk could you clarify your position on this please? Is it your policy to allow drivers to continue driving dangerously on the roads if the victims of their close-passes and aggressive driving audibly swear as a result of the offence?
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