There are a lot of great people and ministries in the SBC. I want to preface with that. But I want to address a common sentiment I see on here:
“Talking about SBC problems on social media hurts our mission.”

Yes, that sentiment.
Here’s the deal: the problem is rarely talking about problems, in any forum. The problem is the problems.

The problem isn’t that our dirty laundry is out on the line for all to see. The problem is that it needs cleaned.
Bc here’s the reality. Everyone “out there” already knows the problems. They know the SBC is a boys’ club. They know minority brothers and sisters struggle with staying in the SBC and speaking out about racial issues, or having to leave (with a chorus of boos on their way out)...
They know the SBC has not dealt with churches that foster abuse, and entities have ignored or punished victims of sexual abuse, often in the guise of protecting our reputation.
That stuff is already known out here. The solution isn’t to stop talking about it and “focus on the mission.” Read Matt 23 again and see Jesus’ words about those who are filled with missionary zeal but don’t deal with their problems.
Now, we can all do better talking about this stuff. Doing so in a more gracious way. Focusing on solutions rather than knocking each other down a peg or two. (And yea I’m preaching to myself here, though most of my thoughts never get posted)
But let’s not bury our heads in the sand. Let’s pursue truth and love and the healing that comes from confessing, repenting, and making amends where appropriate.
You can follow @joshjcollins.
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