Magical Realism

The main core of Umineko, A style of fiction and literary genre that paints a realistic view of the modern world while also adding magical elements, which often deals with the blurring of the lines between fantasy and reality.

Magical realism often refers to literature in particular, with magical or supernatural phenomena presented in an otherwise real-world or mundane setting, and Despite including certain magic elements, it is generally considered to be a different genre from fantasy.
Magical realism uses a substantial amount of realistic detail and employs magical elements to make a point about reality, while fantasy stories are often separated from reality, and is able to produce a more inclusive writing form than either literary realism or fantasy
It also should not be confused with surrealism. They both explore illogical or non-realist aspects of humanity and existence, however surrealism is not associated with material reality and explores the inner life and psychology of humans, an expression of the subconscious.
Magical realism, on the other hand, rarely presents the extraordinary in the form of a dream or a psychological experience, instead it focuses on bringing myths and fables into contemporary social relevance.
Writers do not invent new worlds, but rather, they reveal the magical in the existing world, they also tend to deliberately withhold information and explanations about the disconcerting fictitious world, to help the reader accept the marvelous as normal and common.
This is a writing technique called “Authorial reticence”, Explaining the supernatural world or presenting it as extraordinary would immediately reduce its legitimacy relative to the natural world. The reader would consequently disregard the supernatural as false testimony.
This literary style, characterized by a departure from structure or rules, encompasses an abundance (plentitude) of disorienting details, which are translated into different layers of meaningful and extraordinary details, creating a complex system of layering and depth.
Therefore, the implementation of this technique can facilitate the inclusion of the reader’s role, With its multiple realities and specific reference to the reader's world, it explores the impact fiction has on reality, reality on fiction, and the reader's role in between.
This is a major tool only available to the magic-realist phenomenon: textualization. This term defines how a fictitious reader can enter a story within a story while reading it, making them self-conscious of their status as readers, and secondly, where the textual world enters-
-into the reader's (real) world. Good common sense would negate this process, but "magic" is the flexible convention that allows it. It is all to help us seize the mystery that breathes behind things, and heighten our senses to the limit in order to realize all levels of reality
Magical realism can also contain an “implicit criticism of society”, by creating an alternative world that works to correct the reality of established viewpoints (like realism, naturalism, modernism), and make a subversive text, revolutionary against socially-dominant forces.
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