Things to never say to someone who is depressed/suicidal.
An important thread.
“You’re so desperate for attention.”
Its hard for someone like us to talk about this to someone. So if we did talk to to you about it its because we trust you. If it was for attention we would have taken a loudspeaker and told to everyone we ever met.
“There are other people in worser situations, be happy about yours”
True. But what i need right now is someone to sympathize with me, not to compare my pain and my suffering’s to someone else’s
“You are being selfish, think about how others will feel”
Aah the most famous one. People with depression/suicidal do think about others, thats why they keep trying to get help quick/ talk to someone. But the moment we talk the first thing we hear is this.
“Are you going to do something stupid now?”
Yes, i agree. Even we think doing self h@rm is stupid but at the same time could have maybe said it in nicer words? Or maybe talk with us so that we can let our emotions out and not do such things?
“You are too depressing to be around with”
Now this is just straight up rude. We ourselves think “we are annoying” “we are useless” etc. so the best you can do is validate our feeling and help us out of it. Not make us feel more of a shit about ourselves which we already do
“Just cheer up”
We would have already done that if it was that easy. It isn’t so just talk with us, that itself makes us feel better.
“You are not trying hard”
Oh this pisses me off.
We would have possibly done so many things on our own before we came to you. If we came to you, we are basically begging/asking for help at this point cause we ourselves are not able to come out if it no matter how hard we try.
“I have dealt worse”
Fine you may have, but that doesn’t mean i am not supposed to feel hurt because of what i had to suffer from. Please respect and validate others feelings
“I didn’t notice any change in you?”
We are actors/actresses love. We know how to pretend we are fine cause we think if we open up to someone it seems annoying. We know how to put a fake smile and a fake laugh :)
“Too young for being depressed” “you are just 12-15 what do you know about depression?”
Since when did depression only occur for those above 15? Anyone of any ages can have depression. And instead of making fun of them/not caring about their feelings, lets respect instead.
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