Most of us receive electricity bills regularly. But, how many of us understand the details & the structure of the bill? In a new study, we analysed bill formats used by 26 Indian #discoms to understand how consumer-friendly the bills are.

What did we find? 👇
The spot bills provided to consumers in Uttar Pradesh & Bihar do not provide information on #energy slabs, point of contact at the discom for grievance redressal, details for Consumer Grievance Redressal Forum, & details for a tariff change.
#electricity #powersector
Tamil Nadu consumers receive billing info through a foldable white meter card kept near the meter box on which the meter-reader manually records consumption units & charges. The WMC doesn’t provide a proper breakup of all charges, slab details & subsidy details to consumers.
The bill provided by a Mumbai discom is quite elaborate & informative & presents a good case for other discoms to emulate. But, the discom could do better by giving info on the past payment & suggestions for #energy conservation.
#electricity #powersector
Overall, we found that #electricity bills do not provide adequate information to consumers across India. Would standardising elements in bill formats & using a more comprehensible structure across states make the bills more consumer-friendly?

In our new study, we propose 3 sample bill formats based on innovative practices by power distributors in India & abroad that discoms & state regulators could adopt.

View the sample bill designs: https://www.ceew.in/publications/making-electricity-bills-consumer-friendly#

#electricity #powersector
For more, read our new study w/t @CAGChennai
'Making Electricity Bills Consumer Friendly: A Tamil Nadu Case Study'.
đź‘Ź @kanika_balani, Pavitra Ramesh, @prateekddun

đź”— https://www.ceew.in/publications/making-electricity-bills-consumer-friendly#
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