1/ @staratlas has to be one of the most ambitious blockchain gaming projects till date. A massively-multiplayer online metaverse at a perfect cross section of art, DeFi, NFTs and gaming powered by @solana @ProjectSerum @StardustPlatfrm
2/ It would be competing against games like @EveOnline @RobertsSpaceInd @NoMansSky which have anywhere between 5k to 20k daily players.
3/ The game is based in 2062 and the metaverse consists of three core factions (MUD, ONI, USTUR), with sub-sector Security Zones within each. These factions are in an ongoing struggle for resources, territorial conquest, and political domination.
4/ As a faction citizen of Star Atlas, unlike other games you will have the direct ability to influence the metaverse, stake assets to grow in-game empires and earn real world income for your contributions.
5/ You can be whatever you want to be. Examples of roles: Miner, Entrepreneur, Pirate, Smuggler, Commander, Pilot, Janitor, Rookie, Captain etc.

In game assets are NFTs, so for ex: if you lose your ship in a battle, the NFTs are burned reducing the total supply.
6/ Two in games currencies - $ATLAS and $POLIS

$ATLAS is the primary medium of exchange for the in-game economy and within the NFT marketplace.

$POLIS is the governance token. Gives jurisdictional ownership over entire regions - make rules, decide taxes, etc. Best for DACs!
7/ Integration with @ProjectSerum helps participating in DeFi activities such as lending/borrowing, yield farming and earning fees from AMMs.

ATLAS:USDC AMM pool will be a Universal LP to sell in-game generated currency back for alternative digital assets.
8/ The team with good background in gaming and financial markets, plans to build a AAA multiplayer metaverse in 4 phases, starting with an @opensea galactic asset offering.

Some cool partnerships coming up with @growyourbase_ @BGameAlliance @YieldGuild and others
9/ True ownership using NFTs and DeFi, dev in @UnrealEngine 5 with plans to incorporate a VR experience.

Even if they're able to achieve half of what they plan to, it could be a game changer.

Solana, DeFi, NFTs 🤝 MMO, Interstellar Metaverse
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