Currently the educational regressives have the ear of government via Nick Gibb, the Minister for Schools since Methuselah was in Year Two. His universally derided boss Gav has been convinced of the populist merits of zero tolerance behaviour policies, silent corridors, 1/
and the banning of mobile phones in schools to counter the influence of lazy lefty teachers. Such a position offer him some kudos amongst Mail and S*n readers. Both ministers need to understand they are pawns of educators whose approach is very clear. 2/
They are largely advocates of the "children should be seen and not heard" Victorian mantra. They have failed to build relationships with children. They refuse to even consider trusting and empowering young people to self-police. They see children as a force to be overpowered 3/
hence the draconian methods required to achieve this. Children are pliant vessels to be filled with preferred knowledge by very clever adults. Not be challenged or motivated or enthused. Just filled with facts for their betterment. Call it philanthropy 4/
Yet here's the thing. These fundamentalists. These pedagogical puritans. You never, ever see them expounding the joys of teaching. The quirky things kids do and say. The smile you can't help in their company. If such a joyless, zero tolerant approach becomes the expectation in 5/
our schools then I for one will not be a party. The emergence from Covid gives us a chance to look forward not back. Our children deserve our compassion, care and understanding. They will thrive in such an environment. We must not bow to these forces of regression and control. 6/
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