Some day I should make a thread with numbers about how "body type" has virtually no effect in the quality of jumps in fs. But for now I wanna remind this:

Body type ≠ genetical advantage ≠ race
Starting with "race", it is short of a made up classification with blurry boundaries that has little impact in sport performance and definitelly zero impact in complex sports such as fs, gymnastics, etc
"Genetical advantage" is a thing that plays a role in every sport, but its main features are not your body shape and definitely not your race.

It has more to do with other factors such us, how much endurance are you physiologically prepared to add to your muscles? And strength?
How well can your brain understand balance? And how well can it coordinate your movements on the right timing? How fast can your body heal from injuries?

Those are some of the qualities with which you work to build the body you need in your sport, but you still have to build it.
Your "body type" can be one of those genetical advantages if by "body type" you understand your limbs ratio, but again the shape of your body itself has very little to do with jumps in fs, and I'd say nothing to do with skating itself.
In such complex sport as fs, technique is everything. Brain traits such as balance, timing or propioception, build the technique that will give you 639463027302 times more advantage than your "body type" itself.
So please, stop talking about body types in this sport like it defines you as an skater. And definitely stop talking about race. All the important traits are a) trainable and b) many of them invisible.
Also, if you talk about body types being important because "it helps jumps", shall I remind you that figure skating ≠ ice jump contest
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