stage theories of history are bullshit, marx is wrong about capital naturally concentrating, the aspirations ppl have to petite boug is not a capitalist plot but a fairly rational desire, the notion that fascism comes from the middle class is simplistic
the insights of game theory are leftist and the primary challenge for changing society and maintaining our gains can be modelled as nash equilibria. the two cultures split is really bad and the fact that most leftists come out of the humanities makes the movement stupid
leftists in developed countries should just own being largely overeducated urbanites with shit job opportunities instead of trying to claim working class status (knowing how to self-educate on anything + knowing how to research stuff is undervalued)
libertarians who work on 3d-printed guns are doing more for the global working class than the avg leftist, breadtube largely dumb but making theory both more accessible and enjoyable to consume is extremely good
finally the left is more or less a sociological grouping and is not a coherent political bloc which means a large fraction is probably going to break nationalist / reactionary in the coming decades
oh one more because my take on the working class are generating the intended reaction.

analyzing the working class culturally is analytically valid and working class culture was essential to preventing free-rider dynamics in prior iterations of class conflict
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