Vibe check
This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but with [Joe Manchin refusing to reform or abolish the filibuster]
Only 7 Senate Republicans voted to hold Trump accountable for trying to violently overturn the election results.

Manchin says 10 Senate Republicans will vote to defend voting rights.

Which 3 Republicans will condone insurrection, but oppose voter suppression?
You (smart, an intellectual): You can’t understand the importance of the Senate unless you read the Federalist Papers.

Me (dumb, a baby): Have you read any of the past 233 years of political science on bicameralism?
Do Mainers deserve more representation than the people of the Bronx?

Do Idahoans deserve more representation than the people of Manhattan?

Representation based on arbitrary geographic units is nonsensical. The Senate is anti-democratic .
Here's a useful civics lesson:
The US Supreme Court no longer uses our constitution as the basis for advising newly democratic nations on writing their own constitutions.

We’ve learned a lot since 1787. We could create a better more responsive and representative political system with that knowledge.
The founders had a revolutionary spirit which led them to believe reason and logic could allow them to create a new system that worked better than any which came before.

We have 233 years of experience since then. The way to honor the founders is to believe we can do better.
A lot of conservatives are asking, “Have you heard of the House of Representatives?”

Yes! I have. It should continue to exist.

The Senate should not exist.
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