Oh boy, please forgive me for revealing this... (a short thread)
Shortly before retirement, my wife (not a teacher) and I added up how much we'd spent on schools in our division - breakfast programs, scholarships, just feeding kids and families, uniforms, supporting kids' travel,
grad outfits, Christmas presents for those with none, books - and so on. We came up with about $150,000, and we're not unique.
None of it was an "expectation". We were privileged to be able to do it, but other teachers are not, and should be expected to.
Now, though...
that @BrianPallister suggests that teachers "should" pay for their working materials - that enrages me.
This privileged man has spent much on himself, including providing for his own salary increase this year.
He is not worthy to lead others. He is blind, and leads the blind.
Please do not praise me/us. We aren't worthy, just fortunate. Focus instead on the malfeasance of this @MBGov , work to limit their damage to our province, and let's get them removed at the first opportunity. That's what matters.
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