When someone complains about masks, complains abt restaurants & schools shutting down due to staff getting sick, then refuses to get vaccinated, all I can think is what they're really complaining about is that the rest of the world isn't abiding by their make-believe fantasy.
They don't want to be part of the solution because their magical thinking says there isn't a problem. They see the measures taken by thinking people to mitigate the problem AS the problem. And I honestly don't know how to get through that.
But I do know this. I won't be participating in their make-believe. It's not legitimate and it's hurting people. Giving them platform, arguing like their make-believe deserves time and energy isn't working and it only perpetuates the harm.
If people want to complain instead of being part of the solution, whatever. But call it what it is. Complaining instead of doing. Mad we aren't performing their make-believe. And move on to keep being part of the solution.
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