Well a student had a BRAND NEW KITTEN in class today but didn't even make a big deal about it or introduce the class to it so now I have to add a section to the syllabus about appropriate kitten-related behavior.
Thank you to everyone who are replying with pictures of their younglings. Here are some pictures of my "kittens" from a few years ago. Please pay it forward.
In the beforetimes, when they were younger, I did bring the kittens into my old office once in awhile to let students play with them. But leadership objected and they were banned from the building.

Zoom has no such barriers, so I want to see your pets!
Oz isn't a kitten anymore but is an excellent jumper. Any of you have athletic animals?
Wasn't sure why the kittens weren't bothering me in the home office today and I found the cuddled up on the couch
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