WTAF @WHO? https://twitter.com/thewhof/status/1379841393452023808
For years, Nestle has been looking for ways to burrow into the World Health Organization so it can finally shake its pariah status.

(Recall the baby formula makers unethical marketing practices led to the deaths of tens of thousands of babies.) https://www.nber.org/papers/w24452 
Looks like the weak link of the newly created WHO Foundation ( @whof) gave the company activists once called the “baby killer” the opening it needed. https://waronwant.org/resources/baby-killer
Nestle—a company that pumps the world full of unhealthy, ultra processed food which has made so many people sick and more susceptible to COVID— finally gets the coveted WHO stamp of approval by proxy.
All for the low, low price of ???? (Awaiting @thewhof response)
To be sure, the WHO and the global pandemic response needs all the funding and support the world can muster.
If Nestle’s intentions were pure, it would’ve made this donation to COVID vaccine equity anonymously.
Instead, Nestle takes a PR victory lap.
It makes sense that @thewhof would emerge as a vehicle for powerful corporations to gain access to the World Health Organization when you look at who’s at the group’s helm—a former pharmaceutical industry executive and McKinsey consultant

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