Just had an experience at the grocery store. So I was walking out of the store. I saw an old man (80ish) fall on the sidewalk. It was like his leg just gave out. He had many scars on his leg so he’s had multiple surgeries. I dropped my stuff to go help him up. Others saw it /1
happen. He was saying something but the word everyone heard was “Covid” instantly people started to back away. I didn’t. Once I got closer he was saying “I don’t have Covid” that’s the first thing he thought to say cause he needed help. How sad. Anyways I asked him /2
what he needed from inside the store and I’d go get it for him. He just needed a few things so I sat him on the bench in the shade and told him I’d be right back. I went and picked up what he needed and got him back to his car. When I get angry I cry, it’s just an outburst /3
of emotions that I can’t control. I got in my car and while driving I just burst out in tears from anger. I hate what this disease has done to humanity. I hate it. I just wanted to go scream at the ones who just watched and ask them “wtf is wrong w/ you”. I’d rather /4
take my chances with Covid than be a heartless asshole who is afraid of a disease 95% + survival rate. I just don’t understand. /end
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