Its more that Pelagianism/Rousseau-ism is a re-occurring strain of thought within liberalism. We are born good or as blank slates & it is society that makes us bad. The views of ‘childless men who must have forgotten their own childhoods,’ as Bertrand de Jouvenel memorably put it
Whereas a conservative (a proper one) thinks we are, at best, flawed creatures who need civilisational structures in situ in order to tame our worst instincts.
One of the great ‘cures’ for liberalism is having children. It leaves you under no illusions that the strain of thought represented by men like Pelagius, Locke & Rousseau &, er, Dunt, is pure bunk.
One of the unintended consequences of the reduced & delayed fertility, which is now widespread across the Western world, is that less conservatives are now being minted & more & more liberals are now proliferating.
Liberals & people who don’t have any children are more likely to be blank slatists. Not a coincidence.
‘We are born free, but everywhere we are in chains.’

No, we are born as dependent creatures & everywhere we seek to form secure attachments with reliable care-givers who love us.

Rousseau would have known this had he stayed around to look after any of the children he sired.
Its a 100% guarantee that Dunt doesn’t have any kids. I refuse to believe that anyone with kids (who’s actually involved in raising them) would ever come out with something as naive as this. So many of our opinion-formers are like this though, like teenagers who’ve never grown up
Liberalism is largely built on social contract theories which are the ‘views of childless men who have forgotten their own childhood.’ Progressives, by definition, believe in progress & are thus predisposed to err on the side that human nature is more malleable than it really is.
& so parenthood becomes, to use the language of the extremely online, the ultimate ‘red-pill.’ Which is why *all conservatism should revolve around family formation, not markets.*
This is the essence of conservatism. Not muh liberty or muh freedom or muh markets. Family formation. There is literally nothing more important than that.
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