White Supremacy will not be dismantled by coddling Whites and "ex" racists. It will only be dismantled when the social cost to the individual for upholding it is so high that racists will deradicalise themselves out of enlightened self interest. 🧵 https://twitter.com/jewish_activist/status/1379785160556695566
It is a flaw in leftist thinking to ignore the sunk cost analysis that the "foot soldiers" of White Supremacy are subconsciously making. To be White, one must be willing to defend White Supremacy as a system even against one's own best interest. 🧵
This being the case, the WS foot soldiers have already sacrificed personally for this system. Whether it be personal well-being, true liberation, financial well-being, etc., this cost is very real and a major factor in the personal decision to uphold White Supremacy. 🧵
This sacrifice becomes the sunk cost that must be overcome. It is not possible to overcome this by promising to diminish the cost of conversion. In their view, any conversation cost is already additional to what they have sacrificed for what they have. 🧵
To overcome a sunk cost that is not a fallacy, that cost must be exploded until no one is willing to continue paying it, and the fear of the unknown pales in comparison. Only then will bigots deradicalise themselves and, more importantly, will cease radicalising their children.
Edit: Y'all are really out reading (?) This thread and saying we are telling you to start a dialogue with racists?? No. We make every racist fear being racist until they come to us begging for re education. This is about turning up the heat. They feel safe as racists. Change it.
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