I cried looking at the new Forbes billionaire list so I did a bunch of number crunching (as I do) to calm down.

First, let's say this loud and clear. COVID-19 has been a boon for the rich. Founders, families & CEOs of the five Big Tech companies are now worth $651,800,000,000.
Their average growth rate from 2020 was 56%

My bank's interest rate is .01%. Some folks can't access banks, so their interest rate is 0%

Every $1 the billionaires earn, they get 56 cents richer by just sitting on it for a yr. I get 1 cent. 7,100,000 families in the U.S. get 0
But my brain can't even imagine what hundreds of billions of dollars means, so I tried to find some comparisons.

Together, these Big Tech billionaires could end global hunger (for about $300B). Twice.
In fact, they could end global hunger, eradicate malaria, end homelessness in America AND end the famine in Yemen...

... and still have enough to split 8 ways and *each* take home $20,000,000,000 to fuck around with.
"But that isn't fair"
"They earned that money, they deserve it"
"We can't just take all of their wealth"

Ok! I disagree (&think we should take all their $), but have it your way!

Big Tech billionaires could give $139,300,000,000 away ... & still be as rich as they were in 2020.
They could send $2,638 checks to American family.

Or $18 to every adult in the world. (689,000,000 people in the world live in poverty, below $1.90/day)

And Jeff Bezos could STILL walk away with $113,000,000,000, Mark Zuckerberg with $54,700,000,000 & eat their gd hearts out.
So I guess the moral of the story is, don't you ever let your government tell you it doesn't have enough money to feed & house & heal your people. They are liars, and if they had enough courage to stand up to a few rich people, we would all live in a tremendously better world.
and by that I mean, Tax The Rich 🔪
before I log off ❣️

my mom's nonprofit provides grief share & counseling programs (for COVID loss, trauma re: Anti-Asian violence & more) to the AsAm community for free.

on 4/24, I’ll be walking to fundraise–can I count on you to help cover their costs?

You can follow @Jane24477.
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