I don't even have to write an analysis on this report... But I will because I can.... Between direct quotations and Oprah GIFs, that's about as intersectional as I can get to at this stage. More tweets coming...
"The commission recommends that HSBC UK works in collaboration with universities across the UK to pilot a competitive enterprise programme".

Page 24 of 258.

"The problem is that the race discourse is dominated by people who spend all their time on it, we don't hear enough from people who just get on with their everyday lives and are not defined by race" (Sunder Katwala).

Page 32 of 258.

The Ethnicity wealth gap and home ownership section. Were analyses done using pivot tables? Where's the error variance? What variables were controlled for? To what degree were there any significant differences? Why are the analyses based on medians?

Page 41 of 258

"Arguments about discrimination almost always start with data but how that data is framed and selected is crucial"

Are you sure?

"In a sporting match, we care about penalties, but we care about referees who call too many fouls or players who claim they have been fouled when they have not been"

This metaphor.

"The ethic minority experience is part of the whole, what works for a Black boy in Brixton will work for a White girl in Barnsley"

"This theory [immigrant paradigm] may account for differences between Black pupils of Carribbean heritage and Black pupils of African heritage"

Page 67-258.

"Is the UK the same as the USA when it comes to attainment and ethnicity? In short: no."

Page 70 of 258.

#racecommission #RaceReport
"The reverance for education has meant that, for generations, foreign-born parents have tirelessly toiled to save up and offer their children access to the country's most elite institutions"

Are you sure about that claim?

#RaceReport #Sewell
"Studies for the USA suggest the same"

Did we not already establish that the UK and USA are different?
"In order to overcome significant operational challenges of delivering an extended school day, advice should be sought from educational practitioners, parents, pupils and key stakeholders".

I wonder what these groups would say?

#RaceReport #Sewell
"A rising tide really can raise all boats"

#RaceReport #Sewell

Page 87 of 258.
"The government can use extra hours in school to help pupils take off one pair of spectacles and see life through another lens"


#RaceReport #Sewell
"Whilst this is a quote about the USA, the sentiment is universal"

Again, I thought the UK and USA are not the same? But the report keeps citing evidence from the USA.

"Pupils need to be exposed to the rich variety of British culture and the influences that have shaped it, ranging from the influence of classical civilisations, the European Enlightenment, the inflows and outflows of the British Empire"

#RaceReport #Sewell
"British history is not solely one of imperial imposition"

"Understanding different perspectives and contested events is also central to the study of history and should help to equip pupils to navigate a world of 'fake news' and clashing opinions and truths."

Fake news is the take home... Okay Page 91.

'Odds ratios' page 93.

There's a problem that odds ratios don't approximate well to relative risk (comparing risks of 2 groups) when the initial risk (the prevalence of the outcome of interest) is high... if they are interpreted as relative risks the may mislead (Davies,1998)
"As ethnic minorities are disproportionately more likely to attend [low tariff] universities, this may limit their employment choices and earnings later in life"

I think this we can call this Systemic and Institutional racism.

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"It is vital that ethnic minority young people do not see their future only though a higher education lens"

Are you sure about this claim?

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"Case Study: PwC"

"[mature students] who are more likely to be from disadvantaged groups, come from ethnic minority backgrounds, have a disability, or have non-traditional qualifications"

Intersectionality acknowledges the word 'and' not 'or'.

'And' includes, 'or' divides.

"working in sectors shut down by the pandemic and being self-employed is particularly prevalent among Pakistani and Bangladeshi men"

Just men? Where? How? Why?

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"People from the Chinese ethnic group are earning more on average than White British people, they are actually earning less when taking account of all of these other factors [age, qualifications, region, immigration]".

So, intersectionality?

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"Women in Pakistani/Bangladeshi groups also tend to have persistent disadvantages relative to White women in terms of both employment status and class position"

This is what we might call an example of White privilege.

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"pay gaps, on whatever grounds, do not necessarily represent unequal pay for equal work but can describe the structure of an organisation's and how different ethnic groups are distributed across its pay bands"

If there is a pay gap it's not about equity?

#RaceReport #Sewell
"The main statistical problem that arises with ethnicity pay reporting is the unreliability of sample sizes"

This should be about transparency & acknowledging the numbers. Reporting on gaps and why they exist or why they change is crucial to systemic change.

"Bias and discrimination are hard to pin down, especially when they are not only a social taboo, but also illegal"

Searches keywords 'bias' and 'discrimination': 721,000 results in the UK.

#RaceReport #Sewell
"diversity and eliminating disparities requires impactful organisational redesign and training that leads to truly inclusive environments"

So we're acknowledging institutional racism here?

#Racereport #sewell
"nudge measures" are premised and derive from White Euro-centric schools of thought of behavioural economics and political science to positively reinforce behaviours. The question is what are the nudges moving towards? More capitalism? More patriarchy? More racism?

"Culture Inclusion Maturity Model"

Where are the peer-reviewed articles on this approach? Where is the quality assessment of this model? Where is the critique of the model?why this model over others?

"recognised that there is no single 'one size fits all' approach that can work"

So the Cultural Inclusion Maturity Model won't work then, because that's one size fits all intervention?

"Evidence to show that business owner from ethnic minority backgrounds are disproportionately declined for lending, and while there is no evidence of racial discrimination by banks, this has resulted in perceptions of a systemic disadvantage"

Systemic racism?

"Artificial intelligence systems raise complex questions of fairness... First we need to define fairness mathematically.... An automated system may be imperfect, but a human system may be worse"

By worse we mean more racist? Have you heard of the @AJLUnited?

"There may be ways to trust automated systems and remove human biases to allow talent, not other characteristics, to be rewarded"

Aren't algorithms created, refined and tested by humans?

"Research shows that victims are more likely to suffer serious psychological effect as a result of hate crime - a trauma that, by association, also easily spreads through their wider community"

We're back at systemic racism in the UK then?

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"These incidents [hate crime] cause serious and lasting trauma in people's lives. But we recognise that it is impossible to drive the overall figure down to zero - sadly certain types of people are what they are"

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"In the USA, FBI data shows an even bigger disproportionate representation"

We're still doing a comparison with the USA...

#RaceReport #SewellReport
"Ethnic minorities are more likely to be victims of crime and specifically victims of violent crime and homicide"

Systemic racism.

#RaceReport #racecommission
"White women were more likely than Asian or Black women to experience domestic abuse"

If one at least reads @sandylocks paper titled 'Mapping the Margins: intersectionality, identity politics and violence against women of colour. It takes this so much further.

"The [Purbeck] area has a small Black population of 48 people and a White population of around 43,000 therefore the relative disparity between the two groups [about stop and search] is skewed".

So sample size is not just an issue for ethnicity pay gap reporting?

"Gang leaders understand children and young people's need for love and recognition and know how to provide it"

Is this really the claim that should be made here?

"The reasons for this mistrust are often steeped in a terrible legacy of historical incidents of racism and racist behaviours, carried out under the auspices of a few different police services"

I think this is an example of institutional racism.

"Another area that plays a role in driving mistrust between communities and the police service is the use of force and restraint and the tragic outcomes that can occur as a result"

Tragic as in deaths as a result of institutional racism?

"Evidence describing training for young people on how to handle such encounters [stop and search] was also considered"

The claim is to train young people to be prepared to be stopped and searched. What message does this send for the way young people live?

"HMICFRS also points to body-worn video cameras as a potential means for continuous professional development"

Surveillance doesn't equate to professional development. Shifting cultures to be inclusive and equitable shouldn't start with more surveillance.

"for instances where a body-worn cameras are not switched on during a stop and search. The officer is required to provide a written explanation as to why it was not switched on"

What exceptions could be noted with this loophole?

"This new, intensive approach [Project ADDER] to tackling drug misuse combines targeted and tougher policing with enhance treatment and recover services"

This is confused.

"To be eligible for an out of court disposal, the offender must admit guilt and agree to disposal... Black men are less likely to receive a diversionary option"

We have this noted as Institutional racism, perhaps systemic too.
"We urge police services, criminal justice agencies and ethnic minority communities to work together to understand and address the reluctance to admit guilt"

Have I read this right?

"The commission found no available data on charges of racism in the police workforce, views shared during engagement with frontline officer highlighted a need for 'cultural change'".

Searches 'racism, UK, police force' results in 140,000 results.

"Evidence clearly suggests that ethnicity is not the major driver of health inequalities in the UK but deprivation, geograph, & differential exposure to key risk factors. Given that most ethnic minorities have higher levels of deprivation..."

Ethnicity is a driver?

"Much more needs to be done in this area [diversity in clinical trial recruitment] both in terms of research into the barriers and causes of these low numbers of ethnic minority trial participants"

You want more ethnic minorities in health trials is the solution?

"lack of satisfaction with GP services among some British Asian people is of concern, the overall picture suggests that racism and discrimination are not widespread in the health system"

So satisfaction surveys are an indicator of racism?

"the key to reducing these disparities [amidst COVID19] is reducing risk of infection and vaccination enables that"

The vaccination will solve racial disparities associated with an entire pandemic. Right.

"There were significantly higher risks of diagnosed schizophrenia among ethnic minority groups, and that they were most pronounced among Black groups"

Diagnosis of schizophrenia is contested due to issues with co-morbidity and assessment. Why this disorder?

"Experts advise that mental ill health has little to do with genetic predisposition but rather to do with social circumstances, including racism and hardship."

Okay, so the experts are talking about systemic racism in the UK right?

"Limited research has been conducted in ethnic minorities in the UK to assess the effectiveness of such [health] interventions to date"

Participatory methods? Creative research methods? Community involvement? All strategies that have existed for decades for this.

"Individuals and communities of all ethnicities should be encouraged to take control of their own health... [Including] taking part in research studies to see what is effective"

Ethnic minorities should mostly take part in clinical and experimental trials - really?

"Rather than just highlighting minority disparities and demanding the government takes action, we have tried to understand why the exist in the first place"

The report really doesn't, i'm afraid.

"Too many people in the progressive and anti-racism movements seem reluctant to acknowledge their own past achievements, and they offer solutions based on binary divides of the past which often misses the point of today's world"

Have the commission read the report?

"Harvard School of Health" participated in the course of the work.

Still back with the USA comparison.

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