I’ve spent much of the day processing the death of a friend who was an ER doctor. He died a few hours after we had dinner. He shared some of the pain experienced by watching COVID patients die. “It must be hard,” I said. “Yes, but it’s my job,” he replied. 1/
The last thing he told me was how hard it is to talk to a patient about the likelihood of survival after going on a ventilator. He knew survival wasn’t likely but didn’t want to be brutally honest with them either. Again, he repeated, “but that’s my job.” 2/
My friend was known as the ER doctor with a sense of humor, the one who kept everyone happy during even the worst times. He loved posting memes and jokes especially dirty or irreverent ones. He loved wearing silly costumes or wigs. 3/
Doctors complete suicide at a rate double that of the general population. They often feel that because they “signed up for it” or it’s “part of the job” that it’s not okay to talk about the mental anguish that comes with treating the sick or watching others deal with death. 4/
Please tell the doctors in your life that you love and appreciate them. Do something nice for them. Finally, if you or someone you know could use someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to call the folks at the national suicide prevention lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255).
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