A thread about this viral tweet 🧵 https://twitter.com/sentientist/status/1379207495311314946
1- Iterated Embryo selection- by @gwern's estimates will be available but expensive at some point in the future. The likelihood of iterated embryo selection in the near term isn't what this tweet is about tho, it's about the larger conversation. https://www.gwern.net/Embryo-selection
2- If any form of increasing intelligence through genetic means were possible, the wealthy would have access first, because of expense. Like cell phones and IVF - the price would eventually drop enough and governments could subsidize embryo selection for some poorer families
3- Here I am only saying that *some* sons and daughters of wealthy people would have the intelligence and altruistic motivation to make life better for everyone, not that everyone wealthy is moral or good. https://twitter.com/sentientist/status/1379207495311314946
4- There are many examples of smart people from wealthy backgrounds who have made our lives better, for example: Carl Djerassi, Ada Lovelace, Rosalind Franklin, Edward Jenner- Of course the combination of intelligence + the education to make the most of it matters
5- Of course there are things we could do environmentally to improve intelligence -providing school lunches, education and reducing lead exposure (based on the evidence) will probably make people somewhat smarter, but not amplify intelligence enough to improve progress radically
6- Inequality matters but we have eliminated gifted and talented programs from schools to reduce inequality. The people who are going to be most important for the future progress of our species will be both very gifted and specially nurtured- this is genetic and environmental.
7- Is it eugenics for a particular family to choose the best embryo of a batch? Is preimplantation genetic screening for Down syndrome or thalassemia, or choosing a smart, attractive, and healthy sperm or egg donor eugenics? If yes, then yes, If no, then no.
8- What (thousands of) people seem to be most aggravated about is the suggestion that smart wealthy people would do anything other than exploit the masses, that intelligence is heritable, and that genius is a thing and can be good for the world.
9- Gattaca, The Time Machine and Brave New World are compelling stories about dystopias. A story about a utopia would be *very* boring. The depictions in these stories are not a guide to what the world would look like with cognitive enhancement or widespread embryo selection.
10- If you are going to go around calling everyone you dislike a Nazi, you might be interested to know that Ashkenazis (like me) and Nazis are actually pretty different.
11- I made a thread of polls to see what you all think https://twitter.com/sentientist/status/1379806358556585990
12- I'm making predictions about the future- I personally, have very little influence on the future of embryo selection for intelligence even though I am in favor of it.
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