If you’re someone who loves NYC's pools and beaches you wait for them to open every year. Last year, we waited until July — we cannot have the same delays again.

We need an on-time opening of pools and beaches on Memorial Day — and not a minute later.
For New Yorkers who aren’t near the water, I’m proposing the City bring “pop-up” pools to you – in open streets and vacant lots.

We can start by targeting neighborhoods that are  extremely vulnerable to heat to help our kids cool down.
For the long-term, we will expand access to swimming and our waterfronts in a unique way.

Let’s bring +POOLS to our harbor and get New Yorkers to do something I never thought possible when I was a kid: swim in the East River.

+POOLS will make our waterways a global attraction.
We can’t do any of this without a real investment by the City in free swimming lessons for all this summer.

Swimming deaths are avoidable — and ending them is a matter of racial justice.

As Mayor, I’ll make sure that no one is left on a waitlist for a free swim class.
Our beaches should be accessible to everyone. Right now, biking to the beach isn’t safe and bike lanes aren’t connected to our bike network.

We need a “bike-to-beach” plan — and the city should start updates on bike lanes and bike parking now.
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