islamophobia is rampant in this society and needs to be addressed . please take your time to read these informative threads and educate yourself /srs
firstly, i'm a muslim from asia and the current events that is happening around the world targeted at muslims is sickening and i'm tired of this being constantly overlooked. i want our voices to be heard and i wish more awareness about this can be spread
// islam stereotypes
.// situation on hijab ban in france
these threads provide substantial information about the issues pertaining islamophobia around the world, and includes carrds + websites for petitions to sign, it would be greatly appreciated if we all do our part and sign them
also adding on, im genuinely so grateful for everyone using the platform to speak up too, i used to be scared to talk about my religion however im glad that i am able to open up and talk about my views more, it truly means a lot
+ since ramadan is coming, i might possibly tweet more about islam in general (if i don't mind?) as it will be nice to share what my religion is like and so as to prevent the perpetuation of negative religious stereotypes and certain beliefs people might have
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