Ramadan is in a few days, the annual time when over 1 billion of us will be fasting. What is Ramadan? A thread for non-Muslims so you can support us! 🙏🏽
1/15 https://twitter.com/sarahrana769/status/1379237343148830720
Ramadan is once in the year followed by Eid al-Fitr which is one of the two Eids. This marks the end of Ramadan and a day of charity giving, food, family, & celebration. 🕌 2/
Ramadan is around 29-30 days. Every year, you can expect various Muslims from different time zones debating what day it begins. 💀 It follows the lunar calendar, so of course Ramadan does not have a set date every year, that date is prone to go back every few days. 3/
What do we do in Ramadan? We fast from before Sunrise (from Fajr prayer) to sundown (Maghrib prayer). We do not eat or drink water. Mmhmm, no water 💧. Where I am, this will be around 15-17 hours of fasting daily. 4/
There are people who are exempt from fasting. Who? People on their menstrual cycle, children, seriously ill ppl, disabled folks (but this varies), & medical conditions that would put you in danger. Obviously everything is case by case. 😅 5/
The common misconception is we only fast from food or drink. But actually, this is self discipline for our spiritual health. Charity is emphasized so much, certain charity is obligatory too—& the rewards for giving are maximized in Ramadan. 🥰 6/
Muslims cannot curse, backbite or the fast is broken unless u repent. Intimacy is forbidden (during the fast). We refrain from habits of sinning so we aren’t harming ppl; it’s a time to abstain & break free of bad habits. We fast from worldly distractions like books & movies. 7/
So while everyone is hyped for Netflix shows (S&B coming out April) most of us won’t be watching, or listening to music 🎶. However it depends on each individual Muslim preference & how they choose to abstain from what. My words are general, it’s not a hard fast rule ☝🏾 8/
Most Muslims read the full Quran in this month, do ziikhr (acts of remembrance of God), intense prayers, Taraweeh night prayers, staying up in remembrance. It’s a month of being grateful. 📖 9/
Wish us Ramadan Mobarak or Happy Ramadan! Check in on Muslim neighbours or mutuals via messaging. This second Covid Ramadan will be tough b/c we cannot go to the mosque for prayer, can’t have family or community religious gatherings or communal meals. 🥘 10/
Don’t apologize for talking about food while we fast. Lowkey whenever we need recipe inspiration, Muslims be binging cooking videos.

But Muslim students I feel you, schools aren’t accommodating with exams. 😩11/
I’ll be fasting & doing exams. But if you’re an employer or teacher, if u can be accommodating to Muslim students for deadlines, Zoom meetings, please do so 🥺 During the fast, our sleep schedules are shot, we’ll be a little nocturnal. 12/
Covid means it’ll be isolating. Depending on geography, it’ll be hot (in Lahore, it’s brutal) & so, check in. Alhamdullilah we have each other online so non-Muslims join us in spreading positivity & charity. Make a Ramadan resolution. Maybe try a fast with a Muslim friend. 🥺 13/
Lastly, with Islamophobia rising, if you can fast, it’s a privilege.

Asking about Ramadan isn’t bad, it’s encouraging to see people wanting to learn. I love seeing non-Muslims give it a shot, and make Ramadan resolutions too to be more mindful & charitable people. 14/
☝🏾2 years ago I was in a country where I felt unsafe fasting, I had panic attacks, I couldn’t celebrate Eid. There are Muslims facing discrimination in France, Quebec, parts of China, detained minorities in Xinjiang, Kashmir, etc
Muslims, please dua for solidarity & freedom 15/15
Adding this point a wonderful reply brought up—asking why someone isn’t fasting is like shaming. I mentioned, there can be reasons why someone can’t fast. For me sometimes I can’t due to my disease, physical disability, period, etc;
Many womxn’s bodies are policed, don’t do this!
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