The Real Curse of Rokkenjima
(Twilight Spoilers)

At the end of days, Beatrice was able to witness the transgression against God, and conceive the Golden Truth.

#07threads #Beatrice07
A curse is any expressed wish that some form of adversity or misfortune will befall or attach to one or more persons, a place, or an object. “Curse” may refer to wish or pronouncement made effective by supernatural or spiritual powers.
Umineko does not rely on abstract concepts like “Curse” or “Sin”, instead it focuses on how these normal words are perceived, in order to make the emotions more vocal and impactful, so in other words, the curse of Ushiromiya mentioned by Yasu does not truly exist.
It is not a fantastical concept, as there is much evidence of its existence in literally every single character and historical event across the story, which gives the term “Cursed Witch” further depth than if it was mentioned in regular direct exposition.
The cuse started even before Kinzo took the headship of the family, and it may even have longer roots alongside the course of history since the beginning of time and the manifestation of true sins. Beatrice was actually acting as a messenger of God against humanity.
Considering the Biblical Fanaticism of Beatrice, She thought that every action taken by the family across different generations is a transgression against the Law of God. The content of that law is spread across many religious texts, and more precisely the ten commandments.
The “Decalogue” carefully summarizes the family sins: Murder, Adultery, Appreciation of Parents, Theft, being covetous of your neighbor and their family/belongings, and most importantly, worshiping materialistic things rather than God’s Teachings.
Many improper impulses of that kind can be attributed to the hierarchy system of the family, and its implications on the Family’s ideals and irredeemable situations. Everyone was cursed even before their birth, and the curse cannot be stopped except by ending the family line.
Beatrice (in all literal sense of the word) arised to become a messenger of God, created her own version of the bible with God’s teachings, and delivered punishment upon the sinners. She was finally in a position to control the flow of sins & fate it must have given her ecstacy.
The Rokkenjima Incident can be considered a miniature version of the world’s history, a grave reminder of the anger of God and the sins committed by mankind. Ushiromiya Battler fought against a literal god, which can only be defeated by understanding his teachings
It is believed in christanty that Jesus’s death was instrumental in restoring humankind to relationship with God, through Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection people are reunited with God and receive new joy and power in this life as well as eternal life.
That’s why Umineko is repeating the portrayal of the family dinner at the start of every game. The Last Supper is the final meal that, in the Gospel accounts, Jesus shared with his apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion, and where God's teachings still existed.
Something more important than the truth, of course there is nothing more important than god and his teachings. Denying Beatrice is like denying the whole meaning of god, and the long history of his teachings, as Beatrice has been acting upon all this time.
All of this can highlight the special significance of “The Golden Truth”, how important it is to reach it, as part of the moral compass & internal journey of every human being, and the devastating consequences of those who do not follow it.
I am the “Noble” Witch of Rokkenjima. She has truly achieved nobility in every sense of the word, as a human who remembered the important, and forsaken the earthly temporal pleasures, spreading God’s messages for all her loved ones, and reaching Love.
Ushiromiya Battler will never let his sister end in Hell, He worked hard to understand God’s teachings, after living in denial, and impart this upon the living, who still has a chance to make things right. Without love, without God it cannot be seen.
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