Here are some questions we've received from the doujin survey. Any future questions we receive from the survey will be added to this thread. Without further ado, let's begin!
"I say I don't know know but do/will you have a way to make requests later?"

The easiest way would be to @ our twitter. People are always free to interact with us.
"I know it's quite difficult at the moment but perhaps maybe donators getting to suggest works and such at points would be nice if I do come across one. (Maybe a requirement to find if the author is active and has a contact as well?)" 1/2
For now, we'd rather not give donors influence over what we translate for a variety of reasons. However, people are free to request things, and we'll consider translating them. 2/2
"Can translate a work of someone whos twitter/pixiv is gone but their comic (untransla) is out there?" 1/2
Since we always ask for permission, we'd need to be able to contact the author somehow in order to get permission. If we can't get their permission, we won't translate their works.
"does the r18 rule include a not r18 comic but a the artist does alot of r18?"

We don't mind if the author creates NSFW works as long as what we translate is SFW.
You can follow @KangaerunaMiyo.
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