1) Thread about the need for sanity: Politics was invented to take differences in beliefs, argue them out, try to convince, and compromise when able. Not an end in itself, but a way to live together peacefully as different people. When politics fails, you get violence (Jan 6)
2). Normally, issue differences are the main reason to vote one way or another etc. But... bear with me here: I believe that even more important now is whether someone is committed to sane politics. Yes, pushing a conspiracy or using fear might get you votes...
3) but it is devestating and destructive to democracy. Unfortunately fear is compelling, in gaining votes and raising money. Fear drives action... it also drive a wedge between people based on mistrust and misinformation. Those wedges destroy democracies, (QAnon)..
4) And a destroyed democracy will mean the issues you care about now, will be nothing when compared with your challenges then. So the grifting on twitter, the fear followed by fundraising, the BS “outrage de jour” can drive ratings and fame and follows. It can also crush us...
5) We are getting dangerously close to only accepting comfortable facts, denying uncomfortable ones, begging to be victims, and striving for fame over mature governance. So all that to say: I believe more than any issue, most important is if someone will tell you the truth...
6) stop using false fear, and quit abusing your patriotism for their own gains. No election is so important that we need to lie. Playing with this fire will mean that we leave our kids a country worse off than one we inherited. The most selfish act of all....
7). So vote for and support those who advocate for policies you like, respect those with whom you disagree... but please, REJECT those who lie to you, scare you, and abuse you. Let’s get back to being adults and putting our @COUNTRY_F1RST.
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