*~ cr: Descent of the Drowned ~*
so i’ve just started and... going to be completely honest i’m not thrilled with how these clearly hindu-inspired gods and aesthetics are being portrayed lol
“this is x. he is the god of y and z and means 123 to me, and signifies blah blah blah” why do people always talk about it like this PLEASE... am i reading a book or a lecture on my own religion 😭
kanoni didn’t drop a single lie
i haven’t updated mainly bc i’m reading slowly. i started liking it more after 20% but at 50% through some events have happened & i think i’m going to dnf. not bc of anything problematic, just this story is very grimdark & tackles a lot of cultural issues that hit a little close.
i feel safe in saying it’s a book that covers trauma and isn’t exactly a fun read, which is fine because not all books need to be but i’m not the the headspace to read this at all. i might pick it up again and continue this thread sometime later.
for anyone looking to start, the tws (up until where i have read at the midpoint) are: sexual assault*, coerced & temple prostitution (specifically the devadasi system), organ trade, pedophilia, trafficking, casteist rhetoric and language, physical abuse, suicide
*central theme
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