How it How it’s
started going
Reach out, make those connections, ask for help, explore even the weakest links of your network, let the whole world know what you want next and someone might just know where and how you can get it just as you are now, give or take.
I’m blown daily by the kindness of strangers. People who owe you nothing are so often ready to help. Sometimes, after you have learned to trust and welcome that help, it starts to feel like the hand of fate nudging you to a destiny.
Therefore, never forget to thank every hand that contributed, and that somehow left even the tiniest mark in the smallest word of the shortest sentence of the least paragraph of any chapter in your life story.
Thanks @adi_miller, I truly appreciate the referral. Trust me, this is a much bigger deal to me than this thread or any words I could string together could ever articulate. Cheers!
You can follow @KelvKi.
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