There is a critical need to re-center poor folks, incarcerated folks, and children in movements that requires everyone who is not us to learn how to shut the fuck up. More listening, less talking about things you don't experience.
This is why I am always specific in saying that I fight for poor Black folks, because we experience the brunt of white supremacist, capitalist oppression. We experience the direct violence of state repression. What frees us frees everyone, but what makes y'all safe kills us.
Those of us whose very existence is made criminal, who have been pushed out of society and had to fight for our very right to live know that we are at war and the sacrifices war extracts.
"I think people who go to war really have clarity of sight. I don't trust anybody else. You can write whatever you want, unless you've been to war, I don't trust you because you don't know the nature of defense." - Dr. Joy James
“Nonetheless, the (Black Panther) Party had its own unique analysis about which social and economic class was the vanguard of the struggle for Black liberation. The Party believed that the only group capable of moving the struggle forward was the lumpenproletariat...”
- “The War Before”; Safiya Bukhari
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