Under appreciated how much wokeness stems from a certain End of History ethos that instructed Millenials it was their birthright to “change the world,” but who are now stuck in soulless corporate Bullshit Job hellworld and see wokeness as a way to finally fulfill their destiny
Can’t understate how pervasive this mentality was, that in the bright new morning of uncontested Pax Americana you could “be anything you want” and also it would matter in some grand historical sense, but then the crushing realization for millions of world changer aspirants...
of history’s reassertion of itself and that even if you went off to Teach for America or whatever, the takeaway lesson was that the world mostly resents your ambitions and despises the presumption it requires or wants your guidance (see also: Iraq)...
and that all along you were just being groomed to be some corporate administrator or NGO bean counter and the whole thing was a cynical ploy to get you enthusiastically committed to your lifetime of servitude and debt peonage so you can finance cushy Boomer retirements. Lmao.
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