the best advice I heard in the last year was from jared cohen on a podcast

he said that he tries to win the week

if every week is a 7-game series, he just wants to win 4 out of 7 days

how do you determine if you won the day?
when your head hits the pillow at night and you take stock in the day that was, did you have something positive?

work sucked but man, dinner with my partner was great and I love them and I’ll take that as a win

my kids hugged me when I got home

my friend got a new job
whatever, there’s no real limit to what is a positive win, it’s based on your own feelings and perceptions and the wider they are to accepting something positive, the greater your chances are of winning the day

and you just have to win 4 out of 7

and then you win the week
I would bet that a lot of us have won more weeks than we’ve lost
and this also makes it okay to be upset, to be dissatisfied with how the day went or to feel angry or sad if we need to feel that way for a bit

and for many of us, that can be a motivating factor to make the next day better or to widen our scope to find something positive
anyways, I thought it was a refreshing way to self-evaluate

let’s try to win the week
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