A little-known aspect of colonisation is the systematic abduction and infanticide of biracial children.

In the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, these children were abducted from their maternal families by the Belgian government with the complicity of the church, and placed in convents.
In the Katanga region, biracial children fathered by Japanese miners were given special "vaccines" by the local Japanese physicians. Only a few children survived this systematic infanticide.
African women and girls experienced colonisation in such a uniquely painful way; the violence was multifold. They were unprotected, tormented, and abandoned.
Belgium continues to pay lip service and say "we're sorry" but will not actually do anything about it. The abducted children are in their 70s and 80s; a whole life of trauma behind them and no justice.

The Japanese government won't even pick up the phone.
It is very important to point out that métis children were not all born out of love. When accounts talk about "children of the sin" it is not the mother's "sin" of having had a child out of wedlock, it is the sin of rape and assault.
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