Yo fellow therapists, we all agree that CBT is some gaslighting, toxic positivity bullshit right?
Okay fuck this did numbers. I didn’t expect this to reach this far, a few things I’ll add:
1. Not every aspect of CBT is harmful, some of it CAN be really helpful.
2. CBT used without a trauma specific lens/an understanding of systemic oppression oftem causes harm.
the types of things that CBT has a higher likelihood of being helpful with are things like specific phobias and cognitive distortions, targeted anxieties, SOME disordered eating stuff. It by and large is NOT helpful for trauma work, chronic depression, neurodivergent brains, etc
Muting this now but here are the rest of my thoughts and explanations if you are interested in reading more! https://twitter.com/average_vibe/status/1379569685444886538
You can follow @average_vibe.
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