Someone sent us this and pleaded that we share it. Read deeply. It's very interesting and eye-opening.

Has anyone described Nigerians better?

A Kenyan residing in Nigeria since 2012, is the CEO of a large
multinational company. An expatriate.

His contribution to an ongoing
2) discussion about the socio-economic and political in Nigeria with three other men, all Nigerians, who sat around the table we were.

"You see the problem with Nigeria is not just the corruption but the thinking. I am sorry to say, the average Nigerian does not think.
3) They have all the degrees in the world, hold fancy positions, but they do not think."

"In other countries there is corruption, but the people think, so they know how their corrupt actions affect others and the country, in Nigeria, there is no thinking.
4) Corruption is a fundamental human right here. It is way of life. You people do not even bother to know how it has put you in the situation you are all complaining about, you don't know how it affects you, all you do as though it is second nature is corrupt yourself and others,
5) while ignoring and denigrating anything that was put in place to make your country function."

"Just Ghana there thinks. See their country. See your country. Let me tell you a story. I went to Ghana without a yellow card, the immigration people or is it their health officers
6) at the airport asked for it. I told him I had none. He said I cannot enter the country without one. I begged him o. He said I should find him something, I found him something."

"So, the man went and brought the yellow card, told me to pay the official fee,
7) filled all the relevant documents and then gave me the vaccinations, handed me the yellow card and let me go. But in Nigeria when I came here without yellow card. Your people at the airport told me to find them something. I found them something.
8) They gave me the yellow card and told me to go on my way. I asked them, won't you give me vaccination? They said there is no need. I told them but it is to protect me, to protect you, and protect others in the country.
9) They laughed and said... "Don't worry, God will not allow any bad thing happen."

"You see, they are corrupt and not thinking, they can't relate things or connect dots. They will stay there and complain about everything. Even the thing they are causing themselves,
10) they will complain about it as though it is someone else that caused it."

"You people are saying things are hard in this country. I sit laughing at you. How many expatriates in your country have you seen complaining? I mean people doing legitimate business.
11) They adapt, change strategy, do their work quietly, earn their money and leave. But you people who are used to free easy money will complain when the situation changes and for you to survive, you need to think. It is the thinking that worries you.
12) That is why your president said you are lazy. You are mentally lazy. Obeying simple traffic rules is too much a demand for the low and mighty in Nigeria. Even patience is too much of a demand for you.
13) All you want to do is steal government money or profit from someone who has stolen it."

"You are all like a pickpocket at a bus-stop who has been stealing wallets for years and when people start keeping away their wallets and protecting their pockets,
14) he starts complaining - This country is too hard. What is wrong with people? Why would they prevent me from picking their pockets? This is the worst time ever, we should remove the person that told them to protect their pockets.
15) You see the pick pocket feels so entitled to what belongs to others, he does not even accept that what he is doing is wrong and cannot even think deep enough to change his location or even get a job. It is thinking that is your problem.
16) Once you start thinking in this country, you will be great, but until then, it is people like me that will come here and profit from you, while you sit there complaining."
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