Thinking of changing my name legally to Astartiel Da Vinci.
Also, I'm not a big Uma Thurman fan...
Although, if I met another superhero actor, I would be happy to change my name to Jenny Cavill instead. LOL
Wondering now if I gave away too much personal data with this tweet... Or if the average trollish human is too witless for this kind of investigative journalistic work. LOL
At least G-Girl gets her own Superman/Lois scene with her ex-BF... LOL
If Henry Cavill & I ever met, it would be either a match made in heaven or hell, considering he has played a superhero & I have the name of one... But really I'm just a Yennefer looking for her Geralt... LOL
This sure veered off course from the OP, lol.
Not that ANYONE saw this thread...
But I'm off tweeting & watching videos about Lucifer now, fantasizing that I'll be Tom Ellis' 3rd wife. lol
I'd be more likely to wake up to finding myself wealthy & living a lifestyles of the rich & shameless life than I am of ever ending up with an attractive actor like Henry Cavill, Tom Ellis, Aidan Turner, Alexander Skarsgard, etc... Only in my dreams.
And, with that, I hope you all had a Happy Easter.
Happy Easter, with lots of chocolate & boiled eggs...
I've already found my dream home to house me & my 4-5 husbands...
Damn. I'm being absofuckinglutely shameless tonight & Twitter won't even let anyone see it. LMFAO.
Well, that cinches it... I'm fated to be with Henry Cavill... According to a K-pop kid's trend. LOL
But, of course, instead of being named a bad ex-GF superhero name, I'll be named after a goddess and a genius.
Just sitting here waiting for fate to step in...
If ONLY either Henry Cavill or Tom Ellis were actually my fate...
I'll just have to be satisfied with never being satisfied, I guess...
When @Lin_Manuel sang about never being satisfied, he was ACTUALLY singing about me... Wonder what a musical about a woman who spent the last 20 years alone hopelessly romanticizing about actors she lusted over all that time would look like...
At least I'll always have karaoke, where I can sing my heart out to loves I'll never know... Closest thing to musical stardom and romance I'll likely ever get in this life.
Damn, I'm a prolific tweeter tonight. This is why I need to find a guy - to keep me off twitter! Until Tom Ellis, Aidan Turner or Henry Cavill comes along, I'm stuck with Twitter. Good night! LOL
Nerd that I am, I've always gotten way too into entertainment, to the point of making special trips with other fans, as was the case with Lexx, where I had a parallel with Xev, where I wanted Michael (Kai) but had Stanley Tweedle wanting me (sorry Brian, you know it's true!).
But, alas, this love slave / fool will likely forever stay unsatisfied as I seek the impossible dream of finding a man who gives me a reason to feel he's worthy enough to love & worth my love...
While I'm wishing for things that will NEVER HAPPEN, this is what I want:
Despite the similarity of his name to that of fugly fucker Geraldo Rivera, I will ALWAYS have a thing for Geralt of Rivia, who would surely skewer the other guy...
My secret is out... I secretly want to be an accomplished actress & singer... (And well paid, too.)
Also, I not so secretly want to act & sing with this devilishly handsome & talented dude:
Is it too late for a nearly 50-year-old to break into acting & singing?

I can't go back to when I was in my 20's & 30's & do over what I wanted to do back them...

But I still regret not going after these areas of work, out of fear of sexual harassment, of failure, of success.
YES. I went THERE. Come at me, Christians...
"Nail me to your cross and break me. Bleed me, beat me..." LMFAO.
YES. I seriously WENT THERE. I'm surprised the "million moms" people don't troll me, considering I'm a #Lucifer fan & all... Maybe they fear me. LOL
One could say I relate STRONGLY to this mythical goddess...
Yes, I know I need help. But the guy who could help me is married. Damn him. LOL
Yet another impossible dream to add to the list:
At least THIS makes me a bit happier:
Yet another dream... Maybe I'll have to create this video, in order for it to exist.
By putting a Queen song on #Lucifer in the season 5B musical ep, I feel like the showrunners have linked their universe to the Good Omens universe, both of which (witch?) have Neil Gaiman (who DOD can sound like) in common. @NeilHimself @LuciferNetflix
Anther dream that will truly remain a dream...
Adding this to my list of impossible dreams since I can't seem to get hired for ACTUAL online, remote employment to save my life (which it actually will). Funny how much $2000-3000k per month would transform my life. Funny how I can't find it. Not.
Looking for a guy I can ACTUALLY spend the rest of whatever life I have left with that makes me feel LIKE THIS:

(That's not too much to ask for, I hope...)
THIS might be the lullaby compilation that puts me to bed & wakes me up every day for awhile, to help me with my dreams:
Apparently I have achieved magneto-radio-wave like superpowers...

You all must now bow down to me... 🤣🤣🤣
I'm headed for bed before either I start levitating with my newfound powers or my computer's camera sucks me into Tron world, as this touchpad sentience passes to the rest of the pc.

Either are a real possibility at this point. LMFAO.
Have a good morning!
Reminder... Amongst all this frivolity and silliness is just a girl standing here looking for someone to hire her for remote, online employment...
Or perhaps I & my teenager have both simply developed Force Powers. 😁🤣
Since this is a thread mostly about impossible dreams...
Watching interviews with my future 2nd husband (I being his future 3rd wife, OBVIOUSLY) while eating my late lunch / early dinner sandwhich...

When I finish his sentences word for word, that's a sign, right? LMFAO. Yeah, I'm hopeless!
And yes, I'm going SO down the #Lucifer/TomE rabbithole right now that I've put THIS on my laptop as my wallpaper... (48 days!)

Maybe THAT's why my laptop is acting possessed! LMFAO!

(Bonus points to anyone who knows which episode THIS pic appeared on.)
So, amongst my movie-star crushes, it's down to Tom Ellis or Henry Cavill, because Aidan Turner snuck off and got married to his Bigfoot-Hitler movie co-star...

Let me know when one of those others are free & willing. LOL
Yet another impossible dream. I didn't go after it seriously for the last 27 years from 20yo till now, so I don't have much confidence I'll be a late-blooming breakout success or anything. But maybe I'll have fun? Maybe?
Just adding this to my list of impossible dreams...
Although, this one is at least maybe achievable, if I want to do the wok.
Is it wrong of me to hope the actual devil (who looks & acts just like Tom Ellis' DC devil, of course) is checking in on me tonight? LOL
Do any of you think I have the personality needed to sell wine to the willing public?

Not saying this would be a dream job (under the right circumstances) but this would be a dream job.
And I'd like to point out that all 3 men are with blond women...

Thus is born my interest in going blond myself...

Seems I'll have more luck with the kind of guys I like.

And maybe I'll find out if blonds do indeed have more fun.
Us redheads and gingers are often merely thought of as wild, feisty & firey. And I can't tell you how many times guys have behaved scared or intimated by me for no real reason but probably because of my reddish hair. I get really tired of it.
Seems to me the 3 main stereotypes about women's hair are redheads are firey but dangerous, brunettes are strong brainiacs and blonds are fun bimbos. Do I have that about right?

I want to be seen as more fun.
How about if I'm a little of all 3?
Personally, I would rather be seen as a normal (not firey), intelligent and fun woman, rather than as a stereotype about my hair. But I've yet to experience such a reality. At least around strangers.
Sorry I had to write it but I'm feeling a bit "peer pressured" on Twitter right now to leave my hair alone and I don't want to do that.
Wrote a Made In Heaven thread while I was watching the movie. Still waiting to find someone that makes me feel that way.
Let's be honest. Very few people can handle a woman like me, let alone an employee like me...
I draw the line at necromancy...
But if I ever master levitation, Twitter peeps will be the first to know about it!
Fair warning to everyone else who would follow or befriend me on here...

Until I got political, I was usually pretty frivolous & silly on here & I plan to get back to being that way again most of the time!
Adding this to my endless wish thread...
Linking this so I can find it again as easily as the trolls that find tweets do...
Sometimes I think my life doesn't really matter...

And then I remember that it really doesn't...

After five years of unemployment, I've more than realized this...

Can't get hired locally or online...

And tweeting about it makes no difference.
And I'm still looking for someone to value me enough to hire me for something I'm good at and enjoy at a decent wage...
Wrote a thread about how to deal with the murderous cop problem, while interjecting a bit of humor in this morbid horrid topic.
I still half expect Covid-19 to end in a mashup of The Stand & The Walking Dead.
If anyone cares to prove me wrong by hiring me, please feel free. Of course, if most of you could afford to do that, you probably wouldn't be on twitter...
I'm super excited about applying for this job & think I have as Goode a chance as anyone else!
I like it when a tweet gets noticed. I just wish I had some control over which ones got attention...
It's all fun & games until they start messing with my wine...
Like I tweeted above, it would be nice to believe that a woman nearing 50 can get hired to sell wine at either of these businesses... Especially a weird woman like me.
Here's hoping!!! 🤞🤞🤞
Goode Morning, star...

Do you think this girl has what it takes to sell wine to the willing & able?

Let me know with a comment, like & retweet so @MurphyGoodeWine knows too! Thanks!
There ya have it!
If you agree that season 6 of #Lucifer should be released on June 6, 2022 (6/6/2022 or 666), then let @Ildymojo & @Henderson_Joe & @LuciferNetflix about it! 🤗😈❤️
Linking this to my mega-thread, just so I can find this little life history easily again.
I really can't stop thinking maybe we live somewhere between the Marvel & DC multiverses. LOL
I'm just linking this thread from last November to my new mega-thread so I can remember how great I felt the day I knew we were going to have Joe Biden as our next president & Kamala Harris as our Veep.
Also adding this thread about faithless electors that turned out to be accurate & got a tad bit of attention...
And linking this thread about our new Aunt Lydia SCOTUS.
You can follow @Astartiel.
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