This is a BIG study that just dropped

Low HDL and high triglycerides predict COVID-19 severity

And guess what?

We all know this: (Flush) Niacin’s lipid/triglyceride-stabilizing properties are UNMATCHED...
And another one...
High dosing natural immediate release flush niacin
This is interesting too.. the IHN is basically six niacin molecules around a center inositol, designed to avoid flush as well... it drastically stabilized lipids/cholesterols in this patient sample with dyslipidemia:
STATINS, which have shown favorable effects to stabilize lipids & as of recently, combat #COVID19, are in fact—similar to extended release versions—an altered version of the natural, much safer, and more effective immediate release, flush-inducing niacin
^ here is one example of a statin against #COVID19
And here is high (really sufficient) and totally safe (in fact therapeutic throufj this thermodynamic flush response that becomes milder and more enjoyable with continued dosing; just the first time is a bit startling) immediate release, flush inducing niacin:
^ through here - some examples, just a taste of the prophylactic and rapid therapeutic success to combat #COVID19 of immediate release flush niacin at sufficient (note: not high) doses...
What it comes down to, is that for most if not all of us, daily diets are ridiculously deficient on this very important for overall metabolic, bioenergetic, & ultimately thermodynamic balance underlying to health/disease progression that must be maintained 
Endothermic processing from smaller to much bigger, more complex compound (niacin to NAADP): it readily introduces potential energy to counter the downstream propagation of kinetic heat energy (or inflammation, free radicals/ROS, disease particles & their environments)..
This is similar to how exercising/physical activity/kinetics (moving your body) activates stored potential energy to push out kinetic heat energy (but niacin provides an exogenous route of delivery of potential energy, much less laboriously and more efficiently versus exercising)
Free fatty acids represent a way to move energy through the body...
The underlying role of maintaining metabolic/bioenergetic/essentially thermodynamic homeostasis in #COVID19 (and disease progression in general) must be realized and further elucidated. Niacin offers a key treatment target to end this pandemic and drive pubic health forward.
NAD+ deficiency is a marker of aging, mitochondrial dysfunction, really, thermodynamic misbalance (from over-accumulated and not expended back out in net balance) of energy over the life course.

Another way to look at it, is a niacin deficiency to keep energy metabolism balanced
^ like I said, MARKED... UNMATCHED
Antiviral and immunity-modulating powers too!
Administration of niacin at high but completely safe doses has consistently potently evidenced BROAD spectrum application for viral inhibition and clearance, including but not limited to against SARS, MERS, SARS-CoV-2, Dengue virus, EBOL and for metabolic function support for HIV
⚕️ #NiacinSealofHealth⚕️

A seal of approval that supports:

✅ Raising awareness about niacin (+ other natural remedies) to combat #COVID19 and beyond

✅ Advancing health science research on niacin (natural remedies + health behaviors) to wide-scale clinical trials

Coming soon!
More success!
In the nicotinic acid group, HDL cholesterol increased by 23 percent and LDL cholesterol was reduced by 19 percent at 12 months. Triglyceride, lipoprotein (a) and apolipoprotein B levels were also decreased in the nicotinic acid group compared with placebo
The nicotinic acid group showed greater change in carotid artery wall area by MRI, indicating regression of plaque.
"Nicotinic acid raises HDL cholesterol levels by 20 to 25 percent and is the most effective drug available for HDL elevation."

"Statin doses remained the same in both groups during the study period."

"Patients were randomized to treatment with placebo or nicotinic acid for one year. Doses for each were increased over 12 weeks from the 375-mg starting dose to the 2,000-mg daily dosage for the remainder of the 12 months"
Pretty darn amazing for kidneys too...
STATINS are basically intermittent (and thus worthless, even bad-for-health) release niacin that bioharma made to avoid flush + having millions on cheap OTC niacin for lipid stabilization / to prevent CVD (among other diseases)
They allow treatment results reports of these statins, of every inferior NAD+ precursor to niacin (e.g., nicotinamide, nicotinamide riboside, im sure nicotinamide riboside mononucleotide coming soon); they even do on nicotine patches (precursor of niacin)
But NEVER the #COVID19 antidote in sufficient (flush, immediate release) niacin supply
Go through:
Just to reiterate... a very thorough review of niacin being by far the best lipid stabilizing agent
"our results suggest that HDL-C may be mediating part of the well-known effect of BMI on SARS-CoV-2 /Covid-19 risk and plays a greater role in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis than previously appreciated"
"HDL-C may confer protection from SARS-CoV-2 is unknown, given HDL-C’s pleiotropic characteristics including antioxidant, antithrombotic, microvascular-protective, anti-apoptotic, and anti- as well as pro-inflammatory properties"
"One of the most compelling finding of this study is the association of lower baseline HDL-C levels with SARS-CoV-2 positivity, which corroborates an earlier study, which found association of declining HDL-C levels with Covid-19 disease severity [10].
[...] the potential mechanism by which HDL-C may confer protection from SARS-CoV-2 is unknown, given HDL-C’s pleiotropic characteristics including antioxidant, antithrombotic, microvascular-protective, anti-apoptotic, and anti- as well as pro-inflammatory properties."
@MayoClinic can attest to niacin supplementation boosting HDL-C level.

Taken together w/ consistent epidemiologic evidence pointing to HDL-C as an independent predictor of #SARS_CoV_2 infection + along #COVID19 pathology, niacin should be the norm now...
I mean...
Along with amelioration of the troublesome anxiety symptoms, you're also getting I would guess at least 95% more protection than these jabs...
And for disease severity in #COVID19....
My reports of mechanistic evidence + clinical confirmation for NIACIN as (THE safest, most effective) treatment in #COVID19: CENSORED

STATINS (ineffective, harmful, intermittent-release niacin:, A OKAY!
^ The same @medrxivpreprint
Can't wait to get this new manuscript together... so much more evidence... niacin is the kryptonite of bioharma... if niacin is unveiled and its knowledge understood, it would quickly render bioharma useless
This is why the population is not shouting "NIACIN IS THE CURE" to a thousandth of the level they were for HCQ and now IVM... the only treatment they see as a threat is this exclusive flush niacin... it would be so much more than just #COVID19 gone
All of the mechanistic evidence behind niacin being this safe & effective against #COVID19 and its consistent confirmation in live humans is indeed real!

It's literally as if niacin is the INVERSE of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.

Why end #COVID19 (racket) though?
You can follow @NiacinIsHealth.
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