Why Pornography is bad for you, for society, for gender relations, for sexual relations and for the future of the world.

Also, it’s used thirst traps on social media to groom young boys into engaging in their products for profit, which is incredibly evil considering how addictive it is and how underdeveloped a child’s brain is. And social media algorithms promote these digital prostitutes.
Now let’s look at why it’s bad for you;
Studies have shown that engaging in porn causes damage to areas of brain, such as the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for self-control. So imagine what happens when men have less self control? See image in the right.
Not ejaculating for a week was also shown to boost testosterone levels in men by 47%. There is no link between ejaculation and levels of prostate cancer.
Porn was shown to be incredibly addictive, only rivalled in such by cocaine.
From a philosophical POV, porn is still bad. It has caused men to chase sex over starting a family, working hard or self-improvement. This has then caused the worth of women to be imbalanced simply because they have a hole. This has then caused a rift between the sexes to happen.
It sedates men into becoming pencil-pushers rather than having any actual ambition or motivation and wanting to chase goals. It’s also led to a phenomenon called ‘pussy hyperinflation’ which means women who’d be 4s and 5s are going for men who’d be 7s or 8s
If trends in the consumption of porn continue, we could possibly see the end of Western Civilisation itself, seeing as how corrupting it is to a man’s brain and how sex is seen in society. Sex is now a commodity of enjoyment rather than a binding of partners or for having a child
What we need is massive pressure in schools to make sure children don’t become addicted to porn. It’s not your libido. You’re not horny. You’re addicted.

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