cw // nsfw

I’m growing more and more tired of stumbling upon nsfw accounts that would call me a freak bc my sexual fantasies aren’t squeaky clean... so many of these accounts also flirt with boundaries lol bc that’s what’s hot to many people!!
I’m just. Tired. I’ve got enough shame tied to my sexuality, thank you very much. The fact that these things often come from other queer folks makes me shudder tbh, haven’t we dealt with enough already??
Sexual fantasies most often go directly against one’s moral code!! They’re a way to deal with fears and anxieties!! They do not in any way reflect whether I am a good or moral person, and pretending they do is just bad faith bullshit
Sexual fantasies are such a fascinating concept, a really cool loophole for our subconscious to deal w/ events & emotions & trauma, and some of y’all are completely missing the point by deciding someone like me should just Try Harder to not be a Freak. Whatever that means today.
I might be attracting the wrong crowd by posting this lol but I’m just..tired... I’m dealing with enough paralysing shame in my sexuality, I don’t need folks who post equally boundary-pushing porn to get holier than thou with me
If ur gonna be a dick abt this pls just unfollow and/or block me lmao I really don’t wanna wake up to people calling me names bc I said hey fantasies ≠ morality maybe..?
Grumble grumble disclaimer, it’s fine to have squicks and triggers and to avoid certain types of content, but it’s not fine to assign morality to other people’s sexuality based on your own. You are One Guy with your own boundaries, you’re not the template for human ethics
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