A Cross For Every Farmer Murdered

The world ignores SA farmers' while MSM ONLY pushing #BlackLivesMatter

Farmers killed 4 just being WHITE, on their own farm, by BLKS

If the world is not looking, do their lives still matter?

At what point mass murder is called #genocide?
Why is the international community not saying anything — is it because the victims are WHITE, and the perpetrators BLACK?
Below are some of the South African farmers that have been killed in 2020 on their farms.
People of the world this is what the South African Government don’t want you to see. SA farmers are being killed daily without any reason. Please pray for South Africa🙏🏽
The President of South Africa Lying About The Mass Murders.

"There are no killings of White Farmers in #SouthAfrica"

Proverbs 26:28
"A lying tongue hates it's victims, and a flattering mouth works ruins"
Former President Jacob Zuma Singing Shoot The Boer
Statistics on #FarmMurders and #FarmAttacks confirm an average of 510 attacks and 56 murders per year. That is more than one farmer murdered a week.
"Kill the Boere"
"White man you must die like a snake"
"Voetsek white man voetsek"

Farmers and their families are tortured before they are killed. Hands removed from bodies, woman and children raped, electrical drills used to drill holes in their legs and feet, use of hot irons to burn them, boiling water poured down their throat.

The total farmers killed in Kenya, the old Rhodesië, the two Portuguese colonies (Angola/Mozambique) and Namibië are less than the farmers killed since 1994 when "peace" should have arrived in South Africa.

South African farmers. The loss and the pain.

Part 1

South African farmers. The loss and the pain.

Part 2

South African farmers. The loss and the pain.

Part 3

South African farmers. The loss and the pain.

Part 4

South African farmers. The loss and the pain.

Part 5

South Africa are being targeted in a wave of Rapes/Tortures & Murders & their Government just passed a law permitting it to seize their farms without any compensation. It's time the world realize what Democratic Mess they created in SA.

Soon coming to the USA
Many of my South African brothers & sisters have been warning me of the signs of SA are happening in the USA. This video was sent to me by one of them. We need to open our eyes before it is too late.
"I'm Not Calling For The Slaughtering Of White People, At least For Now"
ASSAULT IN WHITE RIVER OF CIVILIAN by a private security company or private law enforcement trying to get the civilians phone which caught them doing illegal things
SAPS did nothing - Man was assaulted inside police station by MAMRA security members.
Part 1
Part 2

" In South Africa, It Is Twice As Dangerous To Be A Farmer Instead Of A Police Offical."
"Plaasmoorde: The Killing Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa 
Full Version On YouTube

Plaasmoorde: The Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa 

Plaasmoorde: The Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa 

Plaasmoorde: The Fields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa 

"Plaasmoorde: TheFields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa 

" The Medias role"

Interview of The Atta*ckers

Another Interview From An Att*acker
Interview W/ SA Police Officer.
Part 2 of interview W/SA officer
"Plaasmoorde: TheFields": Katie Hopkins' documentary about South Africa
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