1/5 Thread đź’Ž Imagine you are able to buy $MANA at 1/10 of its valuation a token which has Top 2 in NFT sales in Opensea,Has better User Growth better in last 30 days than decentraland. On top of this Has partnership with industry Giants Let me introduce you to $CUBE
Somnium Space aka $CUBE is an open and social virtual reality world built on the Ethereum blockchain. Buy land, build or import objects, and instantly enjoy or monetize assets. Somnium space is a universe shaped entirely by its community of users.
3.The Ingame Mechanics of $CUBE include Virtual land ownership, Live recording of even ,VR integrartion etc This is big if Metaverse are future
4.Currently $CUBE has second biggest sale in Opensea and Active user Dapp Radar for last days has Uptick of 500%
5. $CUBE has Partnership with the biggest names in the business Sony,Matic etc ..Currently Token is valued at roughly 16 million cap as against to $MANA 1.5 billion cap.Even if it stands to Gain 20% of its share the value should be Close to 250 million which is 17x from here
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