Alright, it's time for the promised write-up about my gem. This time it's about the dual token I believe will make millionaires. This dual token is none other than @CentricRise's Centric Protocol $CNS and $CNR.

This might be difficult to explain, so let's get to it.
2/ What is Centric about?

Centric creates a stable blockchain currency that is pegged to $1, with a unique yielding system that's unlike anything I've ever seen. Eventually, Centric strives to work as an alternative to any other fiat currency.
3/ How does Centric do it?

Centric wants to create a stable coin by the usage of two tokens. $CNS and $CNR. $CNS is the token that will eventually become $1 and $CNR is used as an incentive to get it there.
4/ It works this way:
If $CNS's price deviates from $1 the market gets a massive incentive to buy or sell $CNS and thus adjust its price. This is what the Centric group calls the network consensus. More in the image.
5/ Why is this important?
Other tokens change the price of their stable coin through minting and burning their tokens. This means they start with the token at $1. $CNS is different. Its price is currently $0.003 at the market cap of $10M. Here is where the incentive comes.
6/ The incentive comes in early adoption and holding of $CNR. Basically, you buy $CNS and swap it for $CNR. The price of $CNR is 1$ which always equals 1 CNS no matter the market price. This price steadily grows every hour by a predetermined amount.
7/ The current price of $CNR is $56.3. This means that 1 $CNR token equals 56.3 CNS. So, 1000 CNS tokens will give you 17.6 CNR. At this point, you wait for the $CNR price to rise.
8/ If it rises to 100$ and you swap it back to CNS, you'll get 1760 CNS tokens, no matter what CNS market price is.
9/ This basically gives you a giant incentive to not only buy in early but to HODL as well. See the yield calculator or the attached picture for more info.

Basically, if you buy in now and hold for 12 months, you get 500%+ yield of your tokens.
10/ Why do I love this idea so much?
Again, the current price of $CNS is $0.003. If $CNS gets to its goal price of $1 (and it's heading there), that is around 340x gain from here. And that doesn't even count in the yield you'll have from holding $CNR as mentioned before.
13/ Once again I urge you to visit their website. You can find the immutable contracts and how they work, great whitepaper, foundation addresses https://explorer.centricgroup.org/data/foundation , roadmap, burn history and much, much more.
14/ Summary

Well and that's about it. There's more to cover, but I tried to keep it as brief as possible. I found the entire protocol hard to understand before I put some reading in. Now I am incredibly bullish on it.
15/ So much so, that this will be my main investment for the next few months. The team delivers and has a great future ahead of them and so will anyone who joins in. Oh, and as another advantage, the protocol runs on the Tron network, so the fees are almost non-existent.
16/ It is also available on many exchanges already.

I'll add also add a screenshot again from the yield calculator which shows an investment of $300 worth of $CNS changed into $CNR

Here is also their official video,

Anyway, thank you for reading. :)
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