˳೫˚∗ questions to answer for a distraction or when you’re bored
first of all i love u sm and i’m proud of u! whatever u’re feeling is only temporary now i hope you’ll enjoy the thread
skip any question if they make u uncomfortable or u don’t have an answer
1- what’s ur favorite color ?
2- what’s ur favorite song(s) ?
3- what’s ur favorite album ?
4- what’s ur favorite season and why ?
5- what are ur top 3 ice cream flavors ?
6- what’s ur zodiac sign / what are ur big 3 ?
7- who is ur comfort person ?
8- chocolate or chips ?
9- salted or sweet popcorn ?
10- sleeping with or without socks ?
11- are u left handed or right handed ?
12- what’s something u want to achieve ?
13- where do u wanna live when ur older ?
14- what place(s) do u wanna travel to ?
15- rank: dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate
16- ketchup or mayo ?
17- vans or converse ?
18- do u do makeup?
19- if u answered yes on the last question, what’s ur favorite part of it ?
20- what traits are attractive to u ? doesn’t necessarily have to be in a romantic way
21- lhh or phh ?
22- what’s ur favorite drink ? doesn’t have to alcoholic
23- what’s ur lock screen and home screen ?
24- sunshine or rain ?
25- what’s ur favorite and least favorite subject
26- what’s a superpower u’d wanna have ?
27- jeans or dresses / skirts ?
28- beach or forest ?
29- what’s a thing u’d like to learn ?
30- what’s a special thing u genuinely love when someone does
end of thread. i love u so much if u’re still bored or need a distraction dm me i love talking to moots ‹з
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