Recently I read Recovering From Biblical Manhood and Womanhood by @aimeebyrdhwt. I’ve been reflecting on certain questions and points she brings up and I’d like to share some of them.
Addressing femininity specificity,“There are no exhortations in Scripture for men to be masculine and women to be feminine.” And “Why would a man’s strength be associated with leadership and a woman’s strength as disrespect?”
I’ve never read Piper and Grudem’s Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood but I most certainly have felt the broad effects it has had on evangelical culture on men and women relations. I am a woman of large stature made by God.
When @aimeebyrdhwt references the feminine and masculine virtues espoused in Piper and Grudem’s book a few particular lines stuck out to me and reminded me of experiences I’ve encountered and underlying assumptions.
“Even as romantic sexuality is discussed, women are warned not to wrongly, ‘attempt to assume a more masculine role by appearing physically muscular and aggressive.’ When I read this line I then looked up an excerpt for the full context of describing a woman’s physique.
“It is true that there is some TV big sexually stimulating about a muscular scantily clad young woman pumping iron in a health probably means the sexual encounter that such a image would lead to is something very hasty & volatile.” Excuse me??
A woman’s physical appearance reflects the image of God. Her womanhood/femininity does not depend on how she can physically subdue herself to men through her body type.
I am 6’1” and I cannot make myself physically shorter nor do I want to. My God given height does not emasculate men shorter than me.
These types of teaching about men and women create unhealthy environments where men feel the way a woman looks is emasculating to them and women feel the way they look effects a mans psyche.
I’ve been told to lie about my height to make men who lie about their height feel more secure. I’ve been told to not wear heels to avoid elevating myself too much. I’ve been told countless things by people inside and outside the church about my own body.
God made me the way that I am and whether that fits into someone’s ideal of biblical womanhood or not doesn’t matter because God alone defines me.
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