Hey, I'm a software engineer with 4 years of experience, mostly at Affirm, and I'm looking for a job at a startup (flexible on size, but prefer smaller).

Would love any intros/leads/RTs; DMs open.

More details below:
Company space: I have most experience in fintech, but open to any business/mission I can get excited about. Random other things I'm interested in: media, housing, marketplaces.

Location: very flexible. I'm based in Bay Area, willing to move, less interested in fully remote.
As an engineer:
* I'm motivated by business/product/user needs
* Love cross-functional collaboration and strong at communication, documentation, etc
* Tend to be direct: I'll speak up about potential issues early / question unstated assumptions
* I love teaching and mentorship (TA'd algorithms at Berkeley)
* Care about D&I (led the Affirm committee that oversaw our ERGs)
* Love making stuff more efficient
Thanks to everyone who's already reached out and please keep it coming!

If you're reading this _looking_ for a job, I'll shill for some awesome companies I came across in the job search so far:

1) http://felt.com  (super early stage/stealth, you get to work with @can)
2) @stytchauth if you're frontend-focused (login-as-a-service, early traction, huge potential market)
Thank you to everyone, and especially to @sarerics. I left to join a tiny startup, but Affirm is still a great place to work (many fully-vested folks are sticking around!) and Sarah is the most thoughtful and supportive manager I've ever had. https://twitter.com/sarerics/status/1377689059393294337?s=20
You can follow @notechbarak.
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